Arnold-Chiari II Malformation

 Arnold-Chiari II Malformation

Chiari II malformation appears when cerebellar tonsils decend to the upper cervical region of the neck through the foramen magnum. Its symptoms range from life-threatening to very subtle ones. Hence, rapid decision-making plays a significant role in reducing morbidity associated with the disorder. Regardless of advancements in neuroimaging, Chiari II malformation is diagnosed clinically. Thus, understanding its clinical components is important because it aids in its clinical diagnosis.

Signs and Symptoms of Chiari II Malformation

Life-threatening symptoms of Chiari II malformation are reduced with an increase in the age of children. The disorder exists entirely in patients with myelomeningocele and affects infants mostly. This group experiences the development of brain stem dysfunction symptoms. According to Batzdorf et al. , Chiari II malformation may become accompanied by syringomyelia or exist on its own . However, the development of the latter is not accompanied by the former . Persons with Chiari II malformation show signs associated with myelomeningocele that appears as an open neural tube defect. Also, patients present with such symptoms as dizziness, alteration in the quality of their voice, sleeping disturbance, and swallowing problems. According to Batzdorf et al. , they show signs of brainstem compression and experience respiration difficulties, especially children at the age of two and below . Change in voice and breathing difficulties occur because the dysfunction of the tenth cranial nerve causes vocal cord abduction and produces classic inspiratory stridor. Batzdorf et al. state that Chiari II malformation causes balancing issues that impair walking, as well as leads to nystagmus, occipital headache, and Valsalva maneuvers . The disease presents with nociceptive, craniocervical, and neuropathic pain . The existence of neuropathic pain indicates the damage of neural tissues.

Causes of Chiari II Malformation and Its Diagnostics

Cerebrospinal fluid problems cause Chiari II malformation. Hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension alter cerebrospinal fluid dynamics that push the brain out of the skull. In addition, when the skull becomes too small to accommodate the brain of normal size, especially at the small posterior fossa, symptoms of Chiari II malformation appear. Batzdorf et al. state the disease has genetic causes, which enable its transfer from parents suffering from the condition to their offspring . Labuda explains that examples of genetic conditions include the Ehlers-Danlos variant . It is possible to put the Chiari II malformation diagnosis based on the identification of a combination of factors because the disorder lacks a single definitive test . Labuda states the neurosurgeon’s judgment is guided by the history of symptoms, neurological exam, MIR tests, and current symptoms . Surgery forms the only treatment method for the disorder, and steps involved in it include craniectomy, laminectomy, duraplasty, tissue removal, and plate insertion . The success of the Chiari II malformation surgery depends on additional clinical factors and the duration of symptoms, bony abnormalities, age, and syringomyelia.


The symptoms of Chiari II malformation include changes in breathing patterns, occipital headache, swallowing problems, neuropathic pain, and balancing difficulties. Signs of the disorder are the appearance of the open neural tube defect and brainstem compression. Small posterior fossa and cerebrospinal fluid problems also cause Chiari II malformation. The success of the treatment of the disorder depends on age, symptoms, and the presence of syringomyelia or myelomeningocele. Diagnostics of the disorder relies on a combination of tests and lacks a single method. Therefore, understanding the clinical components of Chiari II malformation plays a significant role when neurosurgeons make decisions regarding the presence of the disorder. This blog was written by proffesional writter Tim Kalkin . You can find his articles at


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