Strategies for the Integration of Evidence-Based Practice into Academic Curricula

The possession of current information on healthcare can help students to apply efficient and current methods of health care delivery. Lecturers and students can employ various strategies to integrate evidence-based practice into academic curricula. Such tools include technology, simulation, pedagogical methods, and the use of student groups.

Technology is the most efficient method that nursing institutions can use to integrate EBP into academic curricula. According to Kyriakoulis et al. , students can use Internet-enabled mobile devices to search for current information online and access databases that have recent literature that can be used both in learning institutions and during clinical practice. This method is efficient because devices are portable and can facilitate learning, promoting efforts towards integrating EBP into academic curricula. Kyriakoulis et al. further argue that students can use social networking sites for the acquisition of evidence-based information. According to Puljak , such social networks as Facebook are useful because they provide an opportunity for people to share ideas as they learn. Thus, the method can help students to learn and assist each other in understanding complex EBP information. However, social media have a potential for abuse by irrelevant people if not well-regulated . Therefore, nursing institutions can identify strategies of restricting access to sites by nonstudents to make information remain relevant to learners. Finally, Kyriakoulis et al. argue that healthcare training institutions can have databases to enable students to access current research evidence quickly and to teach them various skills of searching for relevant data, facilitating efforts towards integrating EBP into academic curricula.

Simulation is the second most efficient method that healthcare training institutions can use to help students integrate research evidence into practice and to promote the integration of EBP. According to Quir?s and Vargas , students can create scenarios that represent what they practice in healthcare settings. Then, they can interpret these case studies, and teachers can evaluate the appropriateness of their responses. This approach can help students to utilize EBP in managing imaginary patients without causing harm to real persons in wards.

The third strategy is for tutors to use pedagogical methods to enhance the acquisition of information by students. Aglen argues that most learners often struggle to understand the way in which research evidence should be applied in nursing practice. For that reason, the researcher ascertains that tutors should act as a source of information to teach students what is relevant . Additionally, the former should not only provoke critical thinking but should also help the latter to synthesize data to make them understandable. This approach is efficient because students can get instant answers from the tutor during a lecture when they do not understand information.

The last approach involves students in various groups and meetings to discuss evidence-based materials. For example, Kyriakoulis et al. contend that conferences and workshops have proven effective in transferring factual information to learners. Therefore, lecturers can appoint time when students can meet to exchange ideas to understand various EBP concepts. This process can help those who do not have information on the current research evidence to obtain it. Additionally, workshops and conferences can unite students to share ideas, which can make the ones with more knowledge on using technology impart the skills to others who do not know. Additionally, Kyriakoulis et al. contend that journal clubs can also be effective because they can help learners to scrutinize current evidence and understand it well. The utilization of these methods enables many students to become conversant with the importance of EBP, effective ways to search for materials and appropriate means of applying evidence into nursing practice. As a result, these strategies lead to effective integration of EBP into academic curricula. This article was written by Tim Kalkin . If you want can see works what i leave see here essay service


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